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Usain Bolt: God of Sprint

August 6, 2012


It’s a bird, no it’s a jet……no it’s Usain Bolt!

In Greek mythology, the Olympic games started when Greek gods competed against themselves. It was said that the Olympic games were by the gods, for the gods. In recent times however, mere mortals not gods have competed in the games.

On August 5, 2012, Usain Bolt brought back the notion of a god competing. I could have sworn that I saw a kind of halo around his head and a bolt (pun very much intended) of lightening just before he crossed the finish line. Perhaps, Zeus was making known his approval from Mount Olympus. It just my imagination people, don’t fret. It’s all myth.

Usain Bolt cemented his legacy yesterday by retaining the 100m race gold medal he won in Beijing in 2008 with a stunning display of complete domination of sprints. As if to further buttress his untouchable status as the world’s fastest man, he completed the race with a new Olympic time record of 9.63 seconds at a speed of almost 50kmph. This feat makes him only the second man in history to retain a 100m gold at the Olympics.

Can he make history by becoming the first man to win three consecutive 100m Olympic gold medals? We will have to wait another four years to find out. Notwithstanding, Usain Bolt has cemented his legacy as one of the greatest sprinters of all times. If records are a definite yardstick, he is not just the fastest man alive, he is the fastest man that ever lived!!!

Delving into that crazy imagination of mine again; I can actually picture Hercules and Zeus carving Usain Bolt on Mount Olympus with lightening bolts. When he dies in his old age (he may not, he’s immortal), he’d take his seat amongst the pantheon at Mount Olympus………lol.

I leave you with what twitterverse is saying about this god of sprint……enjoy!



P.S: Bolt’s immense victory coupled with Nigeria’s abysmal failure at this Olympic games has led to uncomfortable if not inevitable question and in at least one instance has led to a hilarious tweet battle.

Here are a few of the questions;
If Jamaica, a country of just 2 million people can produce gold medalist after gold medalist, why can’t Nigeria with a population of 160 million (80x larger than Jamaica) produce medalists at the Olympics?

From what we saw, black athletes dominated sprints at the Olympic games. Why is the most popular black nation on earth faltering even in sprints?

If some tribes in Nigeria can stay under water for days at a time as claimed by Nigerian folklore, where are our swimming medals?

Your guess is as good as mine!

Posted By Efemena Ozore via WordPress For Android

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