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Personal Style

February 23, 2013

Define your style?
I mean you
Define your style?
Over the course of time, a lot of us have been confused on what to wear to events or what style means to us in general and after a few tries and misses, we finally approached the pros (an acclaimed stylist) for help. So off we go to le stylist with our expectation VERY high, ready to look like angels on earth. Only to come out feeling disappointed and thinking this is not me ( Not saying some stylist do not get it right, some do).
The question is who are YOU and what is YOUR STYLE? No one knows you like you and I believe no one can define your style for you.

This post gives you five points to consider when attempting to DEFINE YOUR STYLE!
Yeah just five

1.The occasion
By the occasion I mean where you are going to. In spite of the fact that this is not the only point that defines your style, it is an important step as this is the foundation for the other points. Dressing appropriately for the occasion is the first way to express yourself. It screams I know what am doing and I understand why we are here…lol. Dressing for the occasion is to be comfortable in what you are wearing and to be able to participate in the activities taking place there.

2. Your personality
Now that we know where we are going, the next question we need to ask is what kind of person am I? Am I loud or subtle, classy or hippie, conservative or wild…the list goes on. No matter the dress code for an occasion or event, your personality should shine through. Although trends come and go, it will be unwise to ask you to ignore them. The key here is allowing your personality shine through the “trendz”. This in fact is what I describe as being “style-ish”. No matter the trends, a woman that understands that her personality is her major style influence remains true to herself.

3. The mood
No matter how gorgeous the outfit you intend to wear is, one important fact to note is that our mood is the game changer. It makes or mars the outfit. Sometimes we feel happy, sad,wild,daring,dramatic…this is usually due to our emotional response to happenings around us. Allowing your mood influence your choice of clothing is dressing according to these emotional responses. When doing this, we often wear clothes we might have sworn never to wear…lol. Sometimes it matters(especially for an interview) sometimes it does not, but that is talk for another day. Although I have noticed that most fashion statements are made when people allow their mood influence Their dressing.

4. Colours
I’d like to let you know that colour is important yet not so. I can’t tell you wear these colours they suit darker people or avoid these colours cause they make you look pale. Colour is a matter of CHOICE. I have seen some of the forbidden colours on some skin tones and boy was I mesmerized? As a suggestion I advice that you wear colours that flatter your skin tone and also are in line with the points explained above.

5. Decency
I strongly advocate for decency in everything we wear. A sense of mystery adds a certain “oomph” to any outfit. But then decency is relative. What is decent to you might not be to me and vice versa. The choice is actually yours, YOU decide what decency means to you. More so decency should also conform with the points explained above.

This is obviously not all you need to know on personal styling but these few points can get you started. In fashion there are no rules, no definite steps to style definition. So the next time you have an event to attend, hanging out with friends or going to work feel free to Define YOUR style!
Forget fashion police, we’ll deal with them later!
Have a great week.

From → trendyfashion

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